Company Credit Score: The Ultimate Guide
This whitepaper lifts the lid on how company credit scores are built and applied, by credit reference agencies, to provide financial risk solutions.
Since those early Mercantile Agency credit reports, compiled by intrepid field reporters, company credit scoring has moved forward immensely. The two major factors driving the development of credit scoring have been the availability of growing numbers of data sources, and the modelling capabilities that are the cornerstone of modern data science: coming about through the application of ever more sophisticated algorithms, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
Of course, having access to data sources and being able to model these data into a score isn’t the complete story of how credit scoring is developed and presented. After all, if any credit reference agency (CRA) has access to the same data, and employs the same modelling techniques then company credit scores are essentially the same, aren’t they? Actually, they are not, and this is why it is helpful to look a bit deeper into how company credit scores are put together and presented.
Find out about our company credit check solutions here.