Company Watch Named Most Trusted Financial Risk Management Enterprise of 2024


Company Watch has been recognised as the Most Trusted Financial Risk Management Enterprise for 2024 at the prestigious Worldwide Finance Awards. These Awards are held annually by corporate finance publication Acquisition International, as they aim to recognise trailblazers and visionaries in the global financial sector. 


Awards are decided on a myriad of key factors, including innovation, profitability, growth, and sustainability. By successfully integrating these core principles in their everyday practice, winners at these Awards have proven to be integral to the success of the financial industry, despite the rapidly changing economic landscape. 


Over the years, Company Watch has made efforts to ensure that our host of business information tools are innovative, valuable, and effective for our clients. With pioneering tools such as Vigilance™ , we have aimed to secure businesses by protecting them against fraud. 


To find out more about what we do, explore our tools for free. 


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